Living Green This Year

Environment conservation has been a contentious issue in all parts of the world over the years. The greater the increase in human population, the more resources is used and the more they get depleted.

However, we ought to show nature some love if it is to be forgiving to future generations. The latter years have witnessed great tragedies including storms and heat waves which result in death and destruction of property. Environment conservation can however begin at a level as low as college. You can conserve water by taking shorter showers; five minutes max. However, if you like longer showers you can take a swim instead. Save on gas and money by taking a ride on your bicycle and your scooter instead of driving. You will have more cash to treat yourself as well as minimizing carbon emissions to the environment. The forests around you require salvaging.

However, you do not need to take your premature activism to site in order to conserve forests. Instead of throwing used up books into the bonfire, give them up instead for recycling. This way, less trees will be cut down and less trees will be under harm’s way from fire. Wear your clothes severally in between washes in order to cut down on laundry. Always ensure to have a stock of cologne and deodorant in order to pull off this trick. You can also save some water in the shower by not shaving off your beard. Do not always use propane to prepare your food; rather save the energy for the cold season. Instead opt for salads from the local market. Finally fill up your fridge with ice packs or something; refrigerators use less energy when they are full.