Why you should not Fail Your First Exams of the Semester

It is very common for students to start their semester with a lazy thrill. So the first exams come and a bunch of them end up failing; not because they are stupid; it’s a simple case of misplaced priorities. Frantic efforts by students to pass save their academic reputation include asking teaching assistants for answers or for tips on examinable areas. However, all this hustle is easily avoidable through prior preparation though revision. In addition, attending the first lecturers will give you a tip of the examinable areas in the first exam. So here are the reasons why you do not want to fail your first exams of the semester. The first and most obvious reason is that nobody will want you in their group during class projects. This is not because you are stupid or lazy; no! You will be judged by your performance in the first exams.

The way you start your semester obviously dictates your morale for the semester. No one wants an individual in the group who will drag them behind when trying to complete tasks and beat deadlines. So you will be an academic outcast just because of your misplaced priorities. The other reason you should not fail the first test is simply because all the answers to the test are right with you. However, you choose to party and forget all about your core goal of getting into college and therefore you end up failing. As you have learnt in your latter years, passing exams is not an art, all you have to do is play your cards right!