Effects of Dating Apps on Students

Dating in college is quite a common practice amongst youth in college owing to the fact that it is the perfect time for match making. At this particular age, reproductive hormones are on the rampage causing individuals to try all within their power to find some means of satisfaction. Some may choose to hide and seek consolation in religion; much of which is a practical waste of time. For the sake of hiding their identities and true behavior some students result to dating apps, dragging all their frustration into the apps with them. In the reality, dating apps are over-rated; they portray desperation and lack of creativity. This is not an avenue any student should take consideration to invest their time into.

Active participants of dating apps have common shortcomings and that’s what makes them all like each other. Definitely the beauty of it is quite a pathetic theory. Dating apps makes students to lack concentration in class. This is as they spend most of their time building up fake profiles of people they would rather be and chatting out with people that really don’t exist. In the end this amounts to frustration which makes them take drastic decisions that end up haunting them in the future rather than earning them soul mates. Dating apps are probably the best deprivers of a person’s creativity. Students lack the ability to talk on a one to one interpersonal front as they would rather communicate with physically absent individuals. Dating apps also convert students, especially nerds, into paranoid novels due to the irrelevant and awfully dirty topics discussed in the apps; what a waste of time?